Rejection emails, though challenging to write, are a crucial part of the hiring process. Often overlooked due to the discomfort of delivering disappointing news, they are essential for maintaining professionalism and fostering future opportunities. By writing rejection emails with empathy and clarity, you not only protect your organization's reputation but also build positive relationships with candidates who may be a great fit for future roles.

Importance of Writing Good Rejection Emails

  • Candidate Experience: How candidates are treated during the hiring process can significantly impact their perception of your organization. A well-crafted rejection email ensures that even those not selected feel respected and valued for their time.
  • Brand Reputation: Consistently sending thoughtful rejection communications enhances your employer brand. Positive candidate experiences can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and a stronger talent pipeline.
  • Future Opportunities: Today's rejected candidate could be tomorrow's top performer. Maintaining a positive relationship increases the likelihood of reapplying or recommending others.
  • Legal Considerations: Clear and non-discriminatory rejection messages help mitigate potential legal risks by documenting that the decision was based on legitimate, objective criteria.

Best Practices for Writing Rejection Emails

  • Timeliness: Send rejection emails promptly after a decision is made to provide closure and allow candidates to proceed with other opportunities.
  • Personalization: Address the candidate by name and reference specific aspects of their application or interview to show genuine consideration.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Clearly communicate the outcome without unnecessary jargon. Keep the message straightforward and to the point.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a respectful and professional tone, reflecting the organization's values and culture.
  • Constructive Feedback (Optional): Offer specific feedback if possible, helping candidates understand areas for improvement.
  • Encouragement for Future Applications: Encourage candidates to apply for future openings if appropriate, keeping the door open for potential collaborations.
  • Contact Information: Provide a way for candidates to reach out with questions or to request feedback, fostering an open line of communication.

Examples of Rejection Emails

Standard Rejection Email

Subject: Your Application for [Position Title] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. We know all interview processes can be time-consuming and stressful, and we genuinely appreciate your interest in our team and the effort you put into your application.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with other candidates whose qualifications more closely match our current needs.

We encourage you to apply for future openings that align with your skills and experience.

Wishing you all the best in your job search.

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Company Name]

Rejection Email with Feedback

Subject: Update on Your Application for [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for applying for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We enjoyed reviewing your application and learning more about your background, and we appreciate the time you invested in the process.

After thorough consideration, we have chosen to proceed with other candidates who have more experience in [specific area or skill]. This decision was not easy, given your strong qualifications.

We were particularly impressed with your [specific strength], and we encourage you to apply for future roles that align with your expertise.

Thank you again for your interest in [Company Name]. We wish you the best in your career endeavors.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Company Name]

Rejection Email for Multiple Applicants

Subject: Update on Your Application with [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Position Title] at [Company Name]. We appreciate the time and effort you invested in the application process.

We received a large number of applications from highly qualified candidates, making our decision exceptionally difficult. After careful review, we decided to move forward with other candidates.

We will keep your resume on file for future opportunities that may better match your skills and experience.

Thank you once again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you success in your job search.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Company Name]

Tips for Writing Effective Rejection Emails

  • Be Clear and Concise: Rejection emails are disappointing but necessary reading for a candidate. Dragging out the email will only worsen the experience for the candidate.
  • Be Honest yet Tactful: While transparency is important, ensure that your language is respectful and considerate to avoid discouraging the candidate.
  • Use a Clear Subject Line: Ensure the purpose of the email is immediately clear to avoid confusion or unnecessary anxiety.
  • Avoid Generic Language: Personalized messages demonstrate that you have taken the time to consider the individual’s application specifically.
  • Proofread Carefully: Grammatical errors or typos can undermine the professionalism of your communication.
  • Maintain Consistency: Develop a standardized approach to rejection emails to ensure fairness and quality across all communications.
  • Respect Privacy: Ensure that the content of the rejection email does not disclose any confidential information or the reasons behind the selection beyond what is appropriate.
  • Stay Positive: Frame the message in a way that leaves the candidate feeling positive about your organization, even in rejection.


Writing effective rejection emails is a vital component of the recruitment process that extends beyond the final hiring decision. By crafting personalized, respectful, and clear messages, organizations can enhance candidate experience, strengthen their employer brand, and maintain positive relationships with potential future talent. Adhering to best practices and implementing thoughtful strategies in rejection communications not only reflects well on the company but also contributes to a more professional and humane hiring process.